Mushroom Mondays Blog
Innovate Calgary Pitch Winners!
Mycos, led by Gregory Robinson, won the Rural Founders for Tech Pitch Competition!
Bridge City News #MycosMentalHealth
Bridge City News covers our #MycosMentalHealth campaign! We aim to prevent suicides, and aid in mental health and illnesses by spreading natural remedies people can use in their everyday life.
Student businesses growing remedies for mental health
The Lethbridge Herald featured our #MycosMentalHealth campaign! Raising awareness for Mental Health Remedies is of the utmost importance. For those interested in natural remedies to boost their mood, check out our product Neuro Shroom.
University of Lethbridge News
Mycos launches the #MycosMentalHealth campaign!
Featured by the University of Lethbridge, and LethbridgeNewNOW
Magic Mushroom Day: Psilocybin for Depression
The evidence for psilocybin as a treatment for Major Depressive Disorder is growing, including this record-breaking study.
Cordyceps Boosts Testosterone & Sperm Production
Mushroom Monday Blog discusses the scientifically proven ways cordyceps mushroom extracts improves testosterone levels and sexual potency by preventing erectile dysfunction in diabetics.
Unveiling the Medicinal Benefits of Wolfiporia extensa in Diabetes
The first ever Mushroom Monday discusses the powerful benefits of the Wolfiporia extensa mushroom which can be utilized by diabetics and prediabetics
Shaye Ganam Show Interview!
Mycos was interviewed on Alberta-wide Calgary EyeOpener! We discussed our new products Sexy Shroom, Neuro Shroom, Gluco Shroom, and future research on Womb Shroom!
Sexy Shroom is on Global News!
Mycos was featured on Global News to discuss both psychedelic mushrooms, as well as the magical properties of non-psychedelic mushrooms which lead to the creation of our Shroom product line
Alberta’s Best Student Startup
Mycos has won the coveted title Alberta's Best Student Startup of 2023 by winning 150 Startups at Innovation Rodeo in Calgary!
Calgary EyeOpener Radio Show
Mycos was interviewed on the Calgary EyeOpener! We discussed our innovative research in Lethbridge on psychedelic mushrooms and our Targeted Extraction technology
Finalist at UAlberta’s Faculty of Medical School’s Bench2Bedside Young Innovator Award
Mycos was a finalist at UAlberta’s Bench2Bedside Young Albertan Innovator Competition held by the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
2nd Place at LaunchPoint
Mycos competed at LaunchPoint held at the University of Lethbridge and placed 2nd!
Interviewed by CTV!
Mycos’ Shrooms are featured on CTV News Calgary and are making an impact on people’s lives
Third Place at WashU Olin’s Big IdeaBounce Powered by Poets & Quants
Mycos placed 3rd in the prestigious international pitch competition at Washington University in St. Louis held by Olins Business School, called the Big IdeaBounce and Sponsored by Poets & Quants
Interview on The Lethbridge Lean Podcast
Mycos is featured on The Lethbridge Lean podcast to discuss our innovative research.